Saturday, June 20, 2009

Internment in an internship.

I’ve returned from the capitol… All I can say is, wow. From the gorgeous eye-candy (I swear, the closer they are to power, the more beautiful women become) – to the megalithic monuments, and the museums, it was incredible.

Some great moments included a long conversation with a tipsy girl named Ashley on a bench outside of some embassy in the evening hours… Visiting the Air & Space museum (along with every other tourist in the city)… Hiking from one end of DC to the other (my leg still hurts)… chatting with an awesome young waitress who’s been around the world from Saudi Arabia to Louisiana… the hotel room that night… the hotel room that morning… and dealing with rush hour traffic on the way out.


I promise plenty of pictures in the coming days.


Anyways – I’m back.

And I have a letter in my inbox.

I have a three day internship opportunity. (I know, three days?)

The good news, it is at a hospital building in a nearby state, and I will be talking with and assisting a CPA. I’m hoping that this will help me decide whether or not to continue plans to drastically switch my major. There is a friend’s place nearby I’ll be crashing at… so that will make this trip cheap… and until next weekend when I leave, I’ll be studying every night.

But right now I’m still recovering from the trip.


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