Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Debating on a pistol

Yes, I'm aware silver has jumped over $2 in the last thirty-six hours, I'll share my thoughts about that with you later. Probably tomorrow after I get more market data. But this post is on guns. Lover's of my other random subjects should check older posts.

For a while I've been intending to acquire a new conceal and carry firearm. My primary constraints in selection are size, initial cost, and ammunition cost. I expect it to tide me over for the next five years until I can upgrade to a duty-size pistol for what I expect to be home instead of apartment and carry-defense.

The guns I've been looking at in particular are 357 revolvers (+revolver +cost ($500-600) +good caliber(357 or .38) +ammunition cost(.38 ammo)) and the small .22lr line of semi's (+size +cost (250-350) +capacity (8+) +ammo cost(.22's are cheap) and +ammo interchange(I already own a .22lr carbine)
Taurus PT-22

The current budget doesn't have room for the revolver, so I've been looking into two .22 semis in particular.
 The Taurus PT-22 and the Walther P22.

Each are attractive in their own right, with the PT-22's primary edge in cost. I don't want to be handgun-less for another two months, I'd like to make a purchase within the next three weeks. That said, I'm pretty sure I can squeeze in the sixty-seventy dollar increase in cost of the Walther, especially since with these guns I don't have to factor in additional ammunition purchases (I already have plenty of .22lr).
A Walther P22 with 5" Barrel

Regardless, I will keep you informed of further developments in personal protection.
Feel free to criticize my choice of caliber size in the comments box below.


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