Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Broke College Student Diet

As you should all be aware from my situation, I don't really have much discretionary money. However, I like to look healthy and be extremely active and physically fit. This requires quality food... something that doesn't jive with the normal dollar menu diet of my peers. So here is a list of the foods I buy at the grocery store, and a general overview of what I eat everyday. I should note that I don't have any food allergies, or things would be a lot harder. Props to those who live with lactose intolerance and nut allergies.

Per Week:
Milk, several gallons. 
Whey powder, a tub or two.
Peanut Butter, a big jar.
Triscuit Crackers (cracked pepper and olive oil).  <- These are awesome.
Tuna and frozen chicken.
Cheap Juice.

Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Eggs.

 I usually consume three protein shakes, four eggs, 12 crackers (for fiber) w/ Peanut butter, the vitamins and a cup or two of juice a day. And that is around what I eat everyday, with some tuna and chicken on workout days.  I try and save up $10 dollars each week and spend five or more hours at the local golden corral pigging out on salads, greens, and other foodstuffs I don't normally eat.

If I had the money, there would be more variety. But I don't. And I've consistently been able to clean bulk using those foods each semester. This summer I climbed back from a post surgery weight of 155lbs @ 12% Bf, to 168lbs @ 11.4... and I've seen similar results each time I go on it. Right now I'm approaching 175, and am looking to be 180 by November with 11-13% Bf. 


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